70 Significant Dates in European History
“What we learn from history is that no one learns from history. “— Otto von Bismarck
I wanted to share with you a sequence of crucial dates in the history of Europe. It is by no means a complete list and I omitted voluntarily a lot of dates. If you’re interested by learning more and dive into the history of Europe, I strongly recommend : “A Short History of Europe From Pericles to Putin”, written by Simon Jenkins
An example of timeline :
- 1194–1184 : Siege of Troy
- 508 : Cleisthenes installs democracy in Athens
- 490 : Athenians defeat Persians at Marathon
- 461–429 : Golden Age of Athens
- 336–323 : Reign of Alexander the Great
- 241 : Romans drive Carthaginians away from Sicily
- 44 : Assassination of Caesar
- 33 : Death of Jesus Christ
- 286 : Diocletian divides the Roman Empire
- 410 : Alaric sacks Rome
- 451 : Attila is defeated at the Catalaunian Plains by Atius and the Visigoths
- 476 : End of the the Western Roman Empire
- 493 : Clovis acknowledges Theodoric as King of Italy
- 536 : Justinian recaptured Italy
- 632–700 : Muslims conquer one-third of Christendom
- 732 : Charles Martel defeats Abdul Rahman at Poitiers
- 800 : Charlemagne is made first Holy Roman Emperor
- 845 : Vikings sack Paris
- 955 : Otto defeats the Magyars at Lechfeld
- 1015–1017 : Cnut occupies England
- 1054 : Great schism between Rome and Byzantium
- 1066 : Normans conquer England
- 1099 : First crusade conquer Jerusalem
- 1147 : Second crusade
- 1204 : Fourth crusade sacks Constantinople
- 1215 : Magna Carta is issued in England
- 1241 : The Golden Horde reaches Hungary
- 1337 : Outbreak of the Hundred Years war
- 1347–1352 : The black death ravages Europe
- 1453 : Battle of Castillon ends the Hundred Years war and fall of Constantinople to Ottomans
- 1455 : Gutenberg prints the Bible
- 1480 : Ivan drives out the tartars
- 1483 : Torquemada heads the Spanish inquisition
- 1492 : Fall of Moorish Granada, Columbus lands in the Caribbean
- 1519 : Charles V becomes Holy Roman Emperor
- 1526 : Suleiman the Magnificent defeats Hungarians at Mohacs
- 1571 : Catholic defeats Ottomans at Lepanto
- 1572 : Massacre of the St Bartholomew’s day
- 1598 : Edict of Nantes tolerating Protestants is created by Henry IV
- 1618 : The defenestration of Prague begins the Thirty Years war
- 1648 : Peace of Westphalia
- 1672–1678 : Franco-Dutch war
- 1688–1697 : Nine Years war
- 1701–1714 : War of the Spanish Succession
- 1713 : Treaty of Utrecht
- 1740–1748 : War of the Austrian Succession
- 1762 : Catherine the Great seizes the throne of Russia
- 1775–1783 : American war of independence
- 1789 : Beginning of the french revolution
- 1804 : Napoleon is crowned French Emperor
- 1806 : Dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire
- 1815 : Battle of Waterloo and fall of Napoleon
- 1830 : Greek independence
- 1853–1856 : Crimean War
- 1861 : Unification of Italy
- 1866 : Bismarck defeats Austria
- 1871 : Bismarck defeats France
- 1914–1918 : First World War
- 1919 : Treaty of Versailles
- 1925 : Treaty of Locarno
- 1939 : Hitler invades Poland, start of the Second World War
- 1939–1945 : Second World War
- 1948–1949 : Blockade of Berlin
- 1949 : Foundation of NATO
- 1957 : Creation of the EEC (European Economic Community)
- 1962 : Cuban missile crisis
- 1989 : Fall of the Berlin wall
- 1991 : Dissolution of the Soviet Union
- 1999 : Putin comes to power
That’s all ! I hope you enjoyed it. Let me know if there are other dates in the comments that you would have included !
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