Road to the Moon — Part 4

Malo Le Goff
2 min readFeb 22, 2024


Okay, before end of the week, the V2 of Moon should be out. This adds significant stuff:

  • Improving the quality of chatting with Moon (it now remembers the context of the conversation)
  • Improve the mobile UX
  • Add the list and the map of events happening around you

These are major improvements and I think these make now Moon usable and valuable. There are of course many other stuff to work on and to adjust. But I’d like to keep a generic guideline to my work.

Limit the friction to usage and adoption

This is why I’m building a web app (users don’t have to install a mobile app nor update it). So every feature I’m adding should make the friction more than it is now. This means no profile creation, no user information needed anywhere. This is for later.

This doesn’t mean I can’t collect any information on my users as I’ve installed Google Analytics. It’s far from being the level of information I could get with a profile creation but that’s a start.

Now that V2 is done, my main focus is to try out the business model end to end. That is to say:

  • Put events on the map
  • Communicate on it with shorts/reels/tiktok, redirect people towards Moon
  • Go and see event organizers to see if they want to put their events on Moon

For now, I can just ask if they want to put their events on Moon. I need just to take the information about the event (or the link of their event posted on EventBrite for instance).

On the costs side, for now, I’ve assessed the cost of the whole infrastructure running and answering requests to around 300 euros per month. This is alright, there’s a lot of opportunities for cost optimization (gathering everything under a kubernetes cluster maybe ? Downscaling ? …). Eventbrite makes the event organizers pay 10 euros per events. And 30 euros if they subscribe monthly 🤔

Another business model would be to partner with companies with an interesting databases (the Fork, Officiel des Spectacles, …).

From my initial market study, it seems that the event organizers which don’t organize events on EventBrite because it’s not free. What would be another business model ? Freemium for event organizers ? Making the users pay like Netflix ? Go and see CSEs ?

We’ll learn that soon 🚀



Malo Le Goff

Student Engineer | Engineering school : IMT Atlantique | Software Engineering & Data Science & Cybersecurity